valuable outcomes

We write and share these articles to help you develop and refine your expertise so you can achieve better results from what you buy and improve your chances of winning more business from tenders you write.

Writing itself, not necessarily the ideas you want to share, can be a frustrating, infuriating and time consuming process. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Although, occasionally, it does just flow and you come away having experienced a little bit of magic, especially when someone uses what you've written to achieve better results.

We hope you find these articles helpful and useful.


Outcomes: the backbone of a procurement

Outcomes give a clear backbone and a singular common understanding and direction to your procurement and the performance of your contract. They enable and motivate the best suppliers to deploy all their expertise and return their best offers.

Outcomes: examples specific to Open Spaces

These example outcomes are specific to the maintenance of open spaces. They communicate a common direction and understanding that allows potential suppliers to pack all their expertise into their tenders.